God's Work / Our Hands - Sunday, October 16

Let's Get Our Hands Busy For Our Community: Sunday, October 16, 2016

We had an amazing event! Over 50 volunteers raised $7,000 dollars to package 1700 Snack Packs, put together 50 school kits for children in need, and decorate 48 bags that will be filled with groceries for seniors during the holiday season. We could not have pulled this off without your support. Thank you for helping us battle food insecurity in our neighborhood!

God's Work/Our Hands Sunday is a national day of service sponsored by our denomination, the ELCA. Churches all over the country will be serving their communities in visible ways. We're partnering with Outreach Inc. and other Lutheran churches in the area to feed families and children in Bergen County. On Sunday, October 16 from 1 to 3 pm, we're packaging Snack Packs, school kits, and grocery bags for kids! You won't want to miss this amazing event. 

Q: What is the event like?

The Center for Food Action in Englewood recently launched a "Snack Pack" program for elementary school students who receive free and reduced priced lunches. Teachers realized that many of these students were coming to school on Monday showing signs of hunger. Many are unable to eat enough food on the weekend. Each student receives a ziplock bag full of healthy and nutrious snacks and meals that they are able to prepare themselves. No child should be so hungry that they cannot learn. This program serves school throughout our neighborhood and all over Bergen County.

We're also using this event to pack school kits for students in need and decorate bags that will be filled with groceries and given to senior citizens during the holidays. We have activities for all ages and abilities on October 16 and we'll feed you lunch before hand! 

Q: What are our goals?

We're hoping to raise enough funds to provide 1700 snack packs. With that amount, we'll support 850 students in 2 elementary schools for 2 weeks. As of September 25, we've raised over $6500 of the $7500 we need. We're grateful to all who gave (including $2750 from our Special Gifts fund).  

Q: How to help? 
1. Signup to volunteer here or sign up on the poster in the church narthex (lobby)

2. Donate! Each snack pack costs $4.50. For $45 dollars, you can support 10 kids. For $113, you can support an entire classroom. Checks should be made out to Center for Food Action. with “Christ Lutheran Church” or “God’s Work/Our Hands” in the memo field. Send your checks to Christ Lutheran Church, drop them in the offering plate, or bring to the church office and we'll make sure they get to where they need to go!  

Note: if your place of employment does matching gifts, let us know! Make your check out to Center for Food Action and let us know when your application to your employer was made. We'll add the expected amount to our total. Remember, this event helps Center for Food Action and doesn't benefit a religious organization. 

3. Pray for us and the hungry in Northern New Jersey. Let’s do what we can to make sure no one goes hungry in our neighborhoods.

Q: Have you done this before?

In 2015, we raised over $12,000 dollars and packed over 42,000 mac & cheese meals for the Center for Food Action. We partnered with 8 churches and the local community and had over 230 volunteers. Visit our event page here to see how that day went

God's Work, Our Hands. Join us!