Statement of Purpose
As the Care Committee of Christ Lutheran Church, we recognize that our Committee was formed out of a response to certain ministerial needs that existed and required "care." We recognize that we exist because God first brought us into existence and appointed us to be "carektakers" of this wondrous creation.
Our calling to this diverse ministry of caring is one that is shared and should include the entire community truly being a "priesthood of all believers." It is a ministry that should be carried out in a Christ-Liek Spirit of Joy. The purpose of the ministry of the Care Committee includes the following tasks and activities:
Prayer Chain: This is a group of dedicated people who provied daily prayers for members of our church family and families in need. The head of the prayer chain updated the Committee at its monthly meetings on the status of existing prayer requests.
Meals: The Committee provides meals for those in need of assistance.
Waterfront at Lakeside: This ministry includes playing Bingo with residents of Lakeside Waterfront Home. During the Christmas season, a party is held for the residents which includes Christmas presents and Bingo.
Keeping in Touch: A Committee member is responsible to send get well cards to the sick, those recovering from surgery or illness, encouragement cards to shut-ins and sympathy cards to those grieving.
Holiday Basket Workshop: A member of the Committee is responsible for organizing the Workshop Team and making and delivering fruit and candy baskets for shut-ins and seniors at Christmas and Easter.
Fellowship Dinner for the Homeless: Once a year volunteers from our congregation plan and prepare a meal for the homeless that is served as a facility in Hackensack. The Care Committee shares the cost of this dinner with CLC-W.
Funeral Repast: When a member of our congregation suffers the loss of a loved one, Care Committee is available to host a reception in the Opsal Room. If the deceased was not a member of Christ Lutheran, the Opsal (Fellowship) Hall is available, and the Care Committee will help with set-up, serving, and clean-up.