Worship Schedule

9 am with Contemporary/Guitar-Led Music
10:30 am with Traditional/Organ-led Music


Can't make it into the building? Live stream worship on our home page, Facebook, and Youtube. Videos will stay uploaded to Facebook and Youtube so you can view at a later time as well. 

If you would like to join 9 am worship via conference call: dial 646-558-8656, enter the meeting id: 843 2757 3572, ignore the participant id by hitting #, and then enter the password 195901.

If you would like to join our regular 10:30 am worship (or on days when we only have one worship) via conference call: dial 646-558-8656, enter the meeting id: 827 672 730, ignore the participant id by hitting #, and then enter the password 195901.

Our entire worship service is in the bulletin. For outdoor worship, bulletins will be handed out in plastic bags. For online worship, click here to view the bulletin. All music, songs, and prayers are there. We invite the entire congregation to speak out loud the parts that are in bold. We do our best to make the service as welcoming as possible to the person who is brand new to our church, the Christian faith, or who have been attending CLC for 60+ years. 

Holy Communion is celebrated in-person on Sunday. Communion instructions will be printed in the bulletin. The Lord's table is Jesus' table. You are invited to commune if you wish. The pandemic has changed how we distribute communion and instructions will be given durin worship. 

For the visually impaired large print copies of the worship bulletin are available.

Children in Church Thank you for bringing your child to church. Whether they're newborns, toddlers, pre-schoolers, or high schoolers, we are so grateful that you make the faith life of your child an important part of your life. Children are full of wiggles. Children will talk and sometimes shout. Children will sometimes wander around the sanctuary. And sometimes children won't be quiet even when you ask them to be. That's all okay. Children learn church when they are at church. They are listening even when we don't think they are. We invite kids to stay in the church service the entire time because they are members of the body of Christ. We ask that children respect the social distancing rule as best they can.