I’ve noticed that, for me, creativity is becoming harder and harder. When I play pretend with my kids, my storyline suggestion suspiciously sound like old sci-fi TV shows they haven’t seen yet. When I doodle while listening to a webinar, I no longer draw dragons and interesting patterns. I find myself just tracing the same old circle over and over again. And, when I look for sermon illustrations, I often wonder if the pile of mulch in my driveway would get repetitive if I used it every week. I know I need to refresh my creative juices, but it’s hard to take time to do that. But I wonder if there’s a way we can do that together because I’m sure I’m not the only one who needs to refresh their creativity. Rev. Kirk Byron Jones, pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Lynn, Massachusetts, recently reminded me that our very first picture of God is filled with creativity: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). We meet God while God is busy creating a brand new thing. And God doesn’t stop there. God continues to create, making new things and making people brand new. In baptism, we are given new life – created in a brand new way for this world God loves. This new purpose allows us to participate in God’s creative work in the world. As Rev. Jones writes, “We are all expressions of a Spirit of creativity in whom freedom and joy have their playful way. Creativity is not just what God does. Creativity is who God is. Therefore, the power to create is in us all. Each of us is not just a precious creation of God; we are powerful creators with God. We have holy authorization to use our sacred power to create in every area of our lives: sculpting new ideas, framing new attitudes, and building new relationships.” In other words, we get to be as creative as God because we are part of the body of Christ.

So starting this June, we’re going to get creative. Each week, we’ll spend time in worship nourishing our creative juices. As we move into a new stage of this pandemic, we have an opportunity to let the Spirit’s creativity shape us into the community God wants us to be. And when we trust in God’s creative act, we can trust that we are part of that new creation too.

Seeya in church – either online, over the phone or in-person.
Pastor Marc


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