As followers of Christ, we are committed to serving the world God loves. We seek to alleviate suffering and meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in Bergen County and beyond.
Below are a few of the organizations we partner with through fundraising, volunteer work, and more.
Center for Food Action (CFA)
The mission of the Center for Food Action is to “prevent hunger and homelessness and improve the lives of individuals and families living in poverty.” In 2016, over 4700 emergency meals and $5 million worth of assistance were given to those in need. Our commitment to CFA lasts all year. Each week, we collect food, cleaning supplies, and other goods for the CFA's pantry. In February, our Souper Bowl of Caring event delivers cans of soup and financial gifts to the CFA (in 2016, we raised over $680 and 115 cans for them). During the spring, summer, and fall, our Genesis Garden grows 1500 lbs of fresh vegetables for them. In the fall, our "God's Work/Our Hands" event has supplied over 40,000 mac and cheese meals (2015) and hundreds of Weekend Snack Packs for elementary school students (2016). During Thanksgiving, we donate frozen turkeys, canned goods, and more. Our Care Committee and Women's Group also provide financial donations. Visit to learn more about this amazing organization.
Church World Service (CWS)
CWS confronts the effects of poverty locally and abroad. CLC is proud to support the yearly Crop-Walk sponsored by faith communities throughout the Upper Pascack Valley. At Christmas, we partner with CWS to deliver blankets to those suffering from disasters (over 50 blankets sent in 2016). Each fall, we assemble kits of school supplies. Visit for more information.
Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR)
When a natural or human-made disaster strikes, Lutherans respond. We regularly donate to specific requests when the need arises. We've supported the work done in Nepal, Philippines, and the Caribbean.
Lutheran World Relief (LWR)
Lutheran World Relief works worldwide to reverse the cycle of poverty. Their work brings fresh water, food, and educational opportunities to communities in need. As a church community, 10% of all regularly contributed financial offerings go to support organizations like LWR.
Habitat for Humanity, Bergen County
Habitat for Bergen County builds affordable homes throughout Bergen County. In 2015, the Interfaith Community of the Pascack Valley supported a future build in Washington Township. In 2016, Pastor Marc joined their Interfaith team. We also send volunteers to build sites as well.
Pascack Valley Meals on Wheels
Members of our community volunteer once a month to feed seniors in our area through Pascack Valley Meals on Wheels. As a church community, 10% of all regularly contributed financial offerings go to support organizations like Meals on Wheels.
Tri-Boro Food Pantry
The Tri-Boro Food Pantry (formerly known as the Pascack Food Center) provides meals, cleaning supplies, food, and other material needs to hundreds of people a year. The pantry is open two days a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) from 9am to 11am and is located at the Pascack Reformed Church (65 Pascack Road) in Park Ridge. In December 2015, Pastor Marc joined the Food Pantry's board as their treasurer.
Upper Pascack Valley Interfaith Council
Since 1970, CLC has joined with local Jewish and Christian faith communities to worship together (every Thanksgiving), eat together, and celebrate our common witness as faithful people in Northern New Jersey. The faith leaders of these Conservative, Reform, Catholic, Episcopal, Methodist, Reformed, UCC, and Lutheran communities meet monthly.
World Hunger (ELCA)
Hunger knows no boundaries. The ELCA's World Hunger Team provides needed food, education, and whatever else is needed all over the world. During Lent, our Care Committee sponsors coffee hours after worship. In 2016, they raised over $1000 dollars. We regularly contribute to them as well.